Tuesday, April 27, 2010


When i jumped into the daily life of Ancient Egypt I became a scribe. A normal day as a scribe was like this, first I went around the village and collected the goods ooffered as taxes by farmers , merchants, and etc... I then went to teach at scribe school. All the schools in egypt were run by scribes so they also known as scribe schools. After the school i went around annd performed a cencus , or count of all the residents of the village.I also had the privallage of recording the amount of food we have and documented how much rain the village recieved.Soon after I wrote a few documents such as wedding contracts.Afteer that I monitered how much food was distibuted throughout the village.To end my day I went off and monitered the building of mamy buildings and temples, and this was a regular day as a scribe in Ancient Egypt.

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